Therapy for Chronic Illness or Pain

Living with a chronic illness or pain can be complex and emotionally challenging. At The Better You Institute, we recognize the unique struggles individuals with chronic illness or pain endure daily. We understand that it’s not just the physical symptoms that impact your life but also the emotional, relational, and psychological toll it takes. That’s why our Therapy for chronic illness or pain is here to provide you with the support, understanding, and guidance you need to navigate the emotional complexities of living with a chronic illness or pain.

Therapy for chronic illness Philadelphia
Chronic illness therapist Philadelphia

What is Chronic Illness or Pain?

Chronic illness is a long-term medical condition that persists for an extended period, typically lasting for three months or more. Chronic pain, similarly, lasts for a minimum of three months – in some cases, it is experienced all the time, and for some people, the pain comes and goes. These conditions often require ongoing management and medical care. Unlike acute illnesses, which have a sudden onset and typically resolve quickly, chronic illness or pain tends to be persistent. They may last for many years or even a lifetime.

Chronic illness or pain can encompass various medical conditions affecting various organs and systems within the body. Some common examples of chronic illness or pain include:

  • Diabetes: A condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to the body’s inability to produce or effectively use insulin.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): A condition where the force of blood against the artery walls is consistently too high, which can strain the heart and blood vessels.
  • Asthma: A chronic respiratory condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties.
  • Arthritis: A group of conditions that involve inflammation and joint pain, leading to reduced mobility and potential joint damage.
  • Fibromyalgia or chronic back pain: where individuals experience persistent pain over an extended period.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A complex disorder characterized by severe fatigue without alleviation from rest and may be accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): A neurological disorder affecting the central nervous system, leading to various physical and cognitive symptoms.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD*): A group of conditions that cause inflammation in the digestive tract, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
    IBD is different from IBS. IBS is considered a chronic Gastrointestinal disorder, while IBD is considered a chronic inflammatory disorder, which in some cases can be life-threatening. 
  • Crohn’s Disease: A form of IBD that impacts the smaller intestines and upper portion of the large intestine.
  • Migraines: Intense headaches that can be debilitating and can include additional symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light or sound, and in some cases, an aura.
  • PCOS: A hormonal disorder that causes pain, affects the ovaries, and can cause cysts.
  • Endometriosis: A painful gynecological disorder that includes the lining of the uterus growing outside the uterus. 

Chronic illness or pain can significantly impact a person’s daily life, requiring ongoing medical treatments, lifestyle adjustments, and emotional coping. It is common for a person struggling with chronic health issues to feel it has impacted their overall quality of life. Managing chronic illness or pain frequently involves working closely with healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the physical and psychological aspects of the condition.


How Does Chronic Illness or Pain Affect Mental Health?

Chronic illness or pain can significantly impact a person’s mental health. Challenges, uncertainties, and lifestyle adjustments can contribute to various emotional and psychological effects. Here are some ways chronic illness or pain can affect mental health:

Emotional Distress:

Dealing with a chronic illness or pain can evoke many emotions, including sadness, frustration, anger, fear, and grief. The emotional distress may stem from the challenges of managing symptoms, limitations on daily activities, uncertainty about the future, and the impact of the illness on relationships and identity.

When a person experiences emotional distress from a chronic illness or pain, these two things may compound, leading to even more emotional distress. For example, suppose a person starts to get frustrated with their inability to do a favorite activity because of their chronic pain. In that case, they may then get angry that they are frustrated. The person may wish that they could just accept they can’t do their favorite activity anymore, but instead, they feel frustrated, leading to more anger. The snowball effect of emotional distress can harm a person’s overall mental health and well-being.

Anxiety and Depression:

There is a link between chronic illness or pain and higher rates of anxiety and depression. The constant physical symptoms, medical appointments, and concerns about disease progression or treatment effectiveness can contribute to worry, stress, and sadness. The emotional burden of living with a chronic illness or pain can increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders or depressive symptoms, as can the existential questions that could arise and cause stress.

Many chronic illnesses and pain are not well understood. This lack of understanding leads to questioning, fear of the unknown, and doubt. Anxiety stems from a fear of the future. Without having answers, it is easy for a person to find anxiety about their chronic illness or pain. Similarly, depression stems from disappointment in the past and a lack of hope for the future. Many people with a chronic illness or pain are on a constant journey of learning what their illness actually is. They find themselves disappointed in not having information that could have helped them in the past and losing hope that things will change in the future.

Reduced Quality of Life:

Chronic illness or pain can affect an individual’s overall quality of life. Physical symptoms, pain, fatigue, and limitations on daily activities can diminish one’s ability to engage in hobbies, social interactions, and work. The loss of independence and changes in self-image can lead to low self-esteem, isolation, and a decreased sense of purpose and fulfillment. Again, these symptoms or byproducts of a chronic illness or pain have snowballing effects. For instance, the more a person isolates, the less purpose they feel. Therefore, reducing their quality of life even further.

Social Isolation and Loneliness:

The challenges of managing a chronic illness or pain can sometimes lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness. Physical limitations, frequent medical appointments, or the need for rest and self-care may impact social activities and relationships. Additionally, you may feel like your medical issues are a burden to others, which influences you not to go out, not ask for help, and not socialize. Or worse, you get the sense your friends don’t know how to handle you and your medical issues. They only see you as “the diabetic” and constantly ask if the restaurant is okay for you to eat at. These misunderstandings by your loved ones make it difficult to enjoy yourself. You may think to yourself that it’s just easier not to try to navigate those conversations or teach your loved ones about your illness. The loss of social connections and support networks can further contribute to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Body Image and Self-Esteem:

Chronic illness or pain can affect physical appearance and function, impacting body image and self-esteem. Changes in physical abilities, weight fluctuations, visible symptoms, or the need for assistive devices can influence how individuals perceive themselves and their sense of self-worth. It also impacts one’s body image and self-esteem, even when the symptoms are not physical. Chronic Illness and pain change a person’s relationship with their body, how they view themself, and how they feel about themselves. It is common for a person to start identifying with their chronic illness instead of externalizing it. For example, someone who says, “I am a diabetic” versus “I have diabetes” embodies their illness, making it their entire Self, which can lead to body image and self-esteem issues. Although the latter statement involves diabetes, it is possible that a person can also have happiness, a good job, etc. The person is less likely to carry multiple identities that drive their actions and worldview.

Coping with Uncertainty:

Chronic illness or pain often involves unpredictable symptom flare-ups, treatment outcomes, and potential disease progression. The uncertainty surrounding the illness and its impact on one’s future can lead to anxiety and stress. Adjusting to an uncertain future and finding ways to cope with the ongoing uncertainties can be emotionally challenging. The uncertainty of flare-ups can make it difficult to plan with others, resulting in isolation and social withdrawal. The lasting uncertainty of chronic health can make it difficult for one to feel they can plan for the future, creating stress and anxiety.

Seeking support from mental health professionals specializing in Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy can provide individuals with valuable tools, coping strategies, and emotional support to navigate the emotional complexities of their condition. By addressing mental health needs alongside medical care, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and maintain a better quality of life despite the challenges posed by their chronic illness or pain.

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Understanding Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy

Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy is a specialized form of therapy that recognizes and addresses the unique emotional and psychological challenges faced by individuals living with a chronic illness and pain. It aims to provide support, coping strategies, and empowerment to help individuals navigate the complex emotional landscape associated with their condition.

One of the key aspects of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy is creating a safe and understanding space for individuals to express their emotions and experiences without judgment. Therapists specializing in this area understand the profound impact of chronic illness and pain on mental well-being and the importance of validating and acknowledging the emotions and challenges that arise.

Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy focuses on providing emotional support to individuals so that they can recognize and permit themselves to experience the various feelings they may experience, including sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, and/or grief. Through empathetic listening and compassionate guidance, therapists help clients explore and process these emotions, providing a sense of validation, normalization, and understanding.

It is also helpful, in Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy, to address the topic of ableism. Therapists will be able to help support clients as they process the loss of privilege in this area, how the loss of this privilege impacts them and their relationships, as well as how ableism presents within the therapy room. At The Better You Institute, the therapist will model communication around this by disclosing their own experiences with Chronic Illness and Pain and/or ableism (if appropriate) as well as explore with the client how differences between their levels of abilities impacts how the client feels in session and the client’s belief in the therapist’s ability to understand their lived experiences.

In addition to emotional support, Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy equips individuals with practical coping strategies tailored to their circumstances. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized coping mechanisms that can help them manage the challenges of their illness more effectively. These coping strategies may involve stress reduction techniques, self-care practices, mindfulness exercises, or cognitive restructuring to address negative thought patterns.

Another important aspect of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy is assisting individuals in adjusting to their condition and finding acceptance. Therapists help clients navigate the stages of adjustment, which may involve grieving the loss of their previous health, adapting to changes in daily routines, or redefining their identities. By providing guidance, encouragement, and tools, therapists support individuals in finding meaning, purpose, and a renewed sense of self despite the challenges of their chronic illness or pain.

Communication improvement is also a key focus of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy. Effective communication with healthcare providers, loved ones, and support networks is essential in managing a chronic illness or pain. Therapists assist individuals in developing assertiveness skills, setting boundaries, and advocating for their needs. By enhancing communication, individuals can effectively express their concerns, ask questions, feel more independent, and actively participate in their care.


Types of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach focusing on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In the context of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy, CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts and beliefs related to their condition and choose to change behaviors that are no longer working for them. It aims to promote healthier coping strategies, improve emotional well-being, and enhance overall quality of life.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT):

ACT emphasizes accepting difficult emotions and thoughts while committing to actions aligned with one’s values. This therapy approach helps individuals with chronic illness or pain cultivate psychological flexibility, develop coping skills, and find ways to live a fulfilling life despite the challenges posed by their condition.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy:

Mindfulness-based therapies, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), incorporate mindfulness practices to help individuals cultivate present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance. These approaches can assist in reducing stress, managing pain, and enhancing overall well-being in the context of chronic illness or pain.

Existential Therapy:

Existential therapy supports people as they search for meaning, both in things that have happened to them and in the meaning of life. It includes focusing on free will, awareness and acceptance of mortality, self-determination, and connection to others. Concerning Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy, this can include making meaning of why one is sick, the impact of facing one’s mortality, creating meaning in life as someone with a chronic illness, and understanding the normalcy of anxiety when questioning one’s life and facing one’s mortality.

Somatic Therapy:

Somatic therapy focuses on the body and its connection to the mind. Somatic therapy can focus on increasing bodily awareness, understanding the relationship the mind and body have together, and using the mind-body relationship to change how we feel physically and emotionally. This therapy is body-centered in the interventions and is focused on the Nervous System.

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR):

EMDR is a form of experiential therapy that mimics the psychological benefits of REM sleep by engaging the client in Bilateral Stimulation (visually, tactically, or auditorily). This form of therapy, while initially created to focus on trauma, has been expanded upon to include specific Protocols for pain concerns and medical trauma. EMDR can also help with the release of trauma memories, stored both physically and mentally, allowing the body’s nervous system to reduce the amount of stress hormones being released in the body, as they can cause or exacerbate health issues.

Supportive Therapy:

Supportive therapy provides individuals a safe and empathetic space to express their emotions, fears, and frustrations related to their chronic illness or pain. It focuses on providing emotional support, validation, and encouragement. The therapist is a compassionate listener and collaborator, helping clients navigate their challenges and develop coping strategies.

Family or Couples Therapy:

Chronic illness or pain affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. Family (however you define it) or couples therapy can be beneficial in addressing the impact of chronic illness or pain on relationships, communication, and support dynamics. These therapy approaches aim to enhance understanding, promote healthy communication, and strengthen relationships while navigating the challenges of chronic illness or pain together.


Psychoeducation involves providing individuals with information and knowledge about their chronic illness or pain, including its symptoms, treatment options, how their mind and body impact each other, and self-management strategies. Psychoeducation can often bring information to clients that help them feel normal and not alone. This therapy technique helps individuals better understand their condition, make informed decisions, and actively participate in their care. It also provides essential normalization of experiences, empowerment of the individual, and reduces the anxiety that can arise from not understanding what is happening.

Online or Teletherapy:

Online or teletherapy allows individuals to engage in therapy remotely via video calls or messaging. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with limited mobility or those living in remote areas. Online therapy can encompass various therapeutic approaches, allowing individuals to access Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy conveniently from their homes.

Benefits of Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy

  • Emotional Support: Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy provides individuals with a dedicated space to express their emotions, fears, and frustrations associated with their condition. The therapist offers empathetic listening, validation, and support, which can help individuals feel understood, acknowledged, and less alone in their struggles.
  • Coping Strategies: Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy equips individuals with practical coping strategies tailored to their needs. Therapists help clients develop effective tools and techniques to manage stress, reduce anxiety, improve emotional well-being, and enhance overall resilience in the face of their chronic illness or pain.
  • Improved Mental Health: chronic illness or pain can take a toll on mental health, leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other psychological difficulties. Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy addresses these mental health challenges head-on, providing therapeutic interventions that aim to alleviate symptoms, improve mood, and enhance overall psychological well-being.
  • Adjustment and Acceptance: Living with a chronic illness or pain often requires individuals to adjust to significant lifestyle changes and find acceptance. Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy supports individuals through the stages of adjustment and helps them develop a sense of acceptance and resilience. Therapists provide guidance, encouragement, and tools to navigate the emotional complexities of adapting to life with a chronic illness or pain.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Effective communication with healthcare providers, family members, and friends is vital when managing a chronic illness or pain. Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy helps individuals improve their communication skills, assertiveness, and advocacy. By enhancing communication, individuals can express their needs, concerns, and preferences more effectively, leading to better collaboration and understanding.
  • Increased Self-Empowerment: Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy promotes self-empowerment by helping individuals regain control and agency. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to identify strengths, develop problem-solving skills, and foster a proactive mindset. This empowerment can improve self-esteem, self-efficacy, and greater self-determination.
  • Reduction in Stress and Anxiety: Chronic illness or pain often brings heightened stress and anxiety levels. Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy incorporates stress reduction techniques, relaxation exercises, and mindfulness practices to help individuals manage and reduce their stress levels. Therapists provide tools and strategies promoting emotional resilience, calmness, and greater well-being.
  • Support for Loved Ones: Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy can also offer support and guidance to the loved ones of individuals with chronic illness or pain. Therapy sessions may involve family or couples therapy to address the condition’s impact on relationships, improve communication, and foster mutual understanding and support.

Therapy improves the overall quality of life by addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of living with a chronic illness or pain. It promotes emotional well-being, enhances coping skills, supports adjustment, and empowers individuals to navigate their condition more effectively.

Therapy provides a safe space to express emotions, fears, and frustrations, offering validation and support. It equips individuals with personalized coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Therapists will support the individual through the process of adjustment and acceptance to a chronic illness or pain, finding meaning and resilience despite the challenges, and making changes to enhance one’s quality of life to the best it can be. Therapy can also improve communication skills, foster better collaboration with healthcare providers and loved ones, and help individuals find their voice.

If you or a loved one are seeking support in managing the emotional complexities of chronic illness or pain, contact The Better You Institute. Our experienced therapists specialize in Chronic Illness and Pain Therapy and are dedicated to helping you improve your quality of life. At The Better You Institute, your therapist will work with you to individualize your treatment and create an integrated treatment plan, incorporating different treatment methods to help you meet your goals. Together, we can embark on a journey of healing and personal growth.

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