Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Philadelphia


Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a type of psychotherapy effective in treating various mental health disorders. CBT focuses on the relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. CBT aims to help people identify and change problematic thoughts and behaviors that may contribute to their psychological distress and improve overall emotional health.

CBT is typically conducted in individual therapy sessions but can also be done in group therapy or family therapy. At The Better You Institute, you can choose between in-person or online sessions with any of our qualified mental health professionals.

what is cognitive behavioral therapy

Who benefits from CBT?

Cognitive behavioral therapy cbt is done to help people change their thoughts and behaviors. This can be done by helping people identify and challenge negative thoughts, teaching them how their emotions or thoughts can impact their behavior, and how to view situations in more realistic and positive ways.

CBT is a short-term, goal-oriented therapy that focuses on the here and now. If you are more interested in focusing on the present and developing coping skills rather than exploring past experiences in depth, this is the right therapy method for you! CBT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of mental health disorders. If you are struggling with a mental health disorder, CBT may be a good treatment option for you.

Our Specialists & Therapists For Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Philadelphia

Types of CBT

Cognitive behavior therapy can treat various mental health disorders, including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders. The length of therapy is determined by the severity of the condition being treated.

CBT helps you change how you think about and behave in response to your problem. Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and that negative thoughts and behaviors can trap us in a vicious cycle.

CBT aims to break this cycle by helping you change how you think about your problem and develop more positive behaviors. The therapist will work with you to identify your negative thoughts and behaviors and help you to replace them with more helpful ones. For example, if you’re depressed, they may help you to challenge your belief that “I’m worthless” and replace it with “I’m doing my best.” If you have social anxiety, they may help you to overcome your fear of being rejected by others.

cbt therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques

Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence our emotions and behaviors.

CBT techniques are designed to help people identify and change negative or distorted thinking patterns that may be contributing to their psychological distress.

Common CBT techniques include:


Psychoeducation is designed to help people understand their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It also helps people understand how CBT can help them change their unhelpful thoughts and behaviors.

Cognitive restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is a process that helps people identify and challenge negative thoughts. This component of CBT can help people learn to view situations in more realistic and positive ways.

Behavioral experiments

Behavioral experiments are designed to help people test new behaviors and see how they affect their thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Exposure therapy relaxation training

Exposure therapy is a type of CBT that helps people face their fears. This can be done by gradually exposing them to what they are afraid of or by imaginal exposure, which involves imagining the feared situation. Relaxation training is designed to help people relax and cope with anxiety-provoking situations.

Skills training

Skills training is designed to help people improve their ability to cope with stress and manage their emotions. This may include teaching people how to problem-solve, communicate effectively, or use relaxation techniques.

Benefits of CBT

Cognitive behavioral therapy has several benefits. CBT is typically short-term, so it can help people get relief from their symptoms in a relatively short period. CBT is also considered a very effective treatment for mental health disorders. Numerous studies have shown that CBT is as effective as medication in treating depression and anxiety disorders. CBT is also considered a very cost-effective treatment, as it can help people avoid the costs associated with medication and hospitalization.

cbt techniques

Three basic principles of CBT

Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on three basic principles:

Cognitive principle

This principle states that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected.

Behavioral principle

This principle states that our thoughts and emotions determine our behavior.

Principle of change 

This principle states that we can change our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors by changing our behavior.

CBT can be used to treat a variety of mental health disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders. CBT is typically conducted in individual therapy sessions but can also be done in group therapy or family therapy.

     How does CBT work?

    CBT works by helping people change their thoughts and behaviors. This can be done by helping people identify and challenge negative thoughts, teaching them how to view situations in more realistic and positive ways, and exposing them to anxiety-provoking situations.

    CBT is effective for a variety of mental health disorders. Numerous studies have shown that CBT is as effective as medication in treating depression and anxiety disorders. CBT is usually done in one-on-one sessions but may also be done in groups or families.

    What you can expect

    You will work with a therapist during cognitive behavioral therapy to identify and challenge negative thoughts. You’ll also learn to view problems from a more realistic and optimistic perspective. You may be placed in anxiety-provoking situations as well.

    When you seek CBT you have to understand it is typically short-term, so it can help people get relief from their symptoms in a relatively short time. CBT is also considered very cost-effective, as it can help people avoid the costs associated with medication and hospitalization.

      cognitive behavioral
      cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt)

      Cognitive Behavior Therapy Philadelphia, PA

      With the help of one of our licensed mental health professional Philadelphia-based therapists, you can learn how to manage your anxiety and stress more effectively. 

      Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment effective for various mental health disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder, substance use disorder, eating disorders, improving mood disorders and substance abuse disorders.

      CBT is typically conducted in individual therapy sessions but can also be done in group therapy or family therapy.

      You can do CBT sessions in-person, online, or over the phone–whatever is more convenient for you.

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